.. _testing: Testing framework ================= Kiln provides a basic framework to run automated tests that check the XML output of a ``map:match`` with expected output. Tests are stored in the ``webapps/ROOT/test-suite`` directory, with the expected data being stored under ``data`` and the definition of the tests in files under ``cases``. The format for test-case files are specified in ``assets/schema/test/test_case.rng``. Each test within a test-case file specifies the path to the expected data XML file (relative to ``test-suite/data``) and the id and parameters of the ``map:match`` to be tested. The admin menu links to the HTML report for running all of the tests in all of the test-cases under ``test-suite/cases``, noting for each test whether it passed or failed, and if it failed, giving a rough difference between the actual and expected output.